About me
Neocities Profile
My Creations
My Collection

- Scorch

- he/them

- 24

- neurodivergent

This is a personal website, intended for silly purposes only.

. .˚

Feel free to click around and see what you can find! But keep in mind, this site is a constant wip.


[2/11/25] Added falling paper stars to homepage.

[1/24/25] Added a pet widget named Beanie, added some more code resources, and linked the floating LPS dog back to its source.

[1/21/25] Made the blinkies on main page clickable back to their source. Love to credit mhm.

[1/9/2025] Added floating lps gif, interactive poloroids, and included both of those sources in the Resources page. Potentially late night added more graphics to My Creations.

[1/8/2025] Fixed main page formatting, added updates section, properly (I hope) added sticker box w/ beanie baby images, added Resources page, linked back to background tile, started adding my creations.

[1/7/2025] Started adding my creations to the My Creations page, broke the whole main page lmao.

A stop motion gif of the Magic the Dragon Beanie Baby plush dancing.
Ty's old website
Ty's Old Website
Beanie World Monthly Magazine
Beanie World Monthly Magazine
Beanie babies being sold for three dollars.
The sale of a lifetime.
website design c. France

- make gifs pause until mouse hover

- add light/dark mode

- add dancing stick people

- lead all media to its source upon click